
注册考试 (适用於非本地毕业生)

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(A) 考试费
(B) 考试成绩有效期
考试范围 (只提供英文版)

Pharmacy Legislation in Hong Kong

Usually consists of five to six long questions to be answered in three hours. Topics include up-to-date versions of the following ordinances and their subsidiary legislations:
Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance, Cap. 138 (including the main ordinance and the Pharmacy and Poisons Regulations; Pharmacy and Poisons (Pharmacy and Poisons Appeal Tribunal) Regulations; and Pharmacists (Disciplinary Procedure) Regulations)
(b) Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, Cap. 134 (including the main ordinance and the Dangerous Drugs Regulations)
(c) Antibiotics Ordinance, Cap. 137 (including the main ordinance and the Antibiotics Regulations)
(d) Undesirable Medical Advertisements Ordinance, Cap. 231
(e) Import and Export (General) Regulations, Cap. 60A (except those parts related solely to textiles or rough diamonds)

Applicants may purchase the above publications by:
(a) calling the Publication Sales Section of the Information Services Department at 2537 1910
(b) visiting the online Government Bookstore at https://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/government/
(c) placing order with the Information Services Department at

Pharmacy Practice

Usually consists of essay questions, multiple-choice questions and some calculation problems, to be answered in three hours. The following areas shall be covered:
Pharmaceutical calculations (percentages, dilution, concentrations, aliquots, alligation and posology)
Pharmaceutical dosage forms (applications, methods of use and properties)
Preparation of pharmaceutical dosage forms (methods of preparation, basic formulation, labelling and packaging)
Sterilization practices (the official methods and their applications, conditions and equipment required)
Radiopharmacy (principles and application)
Handling of cytotoxic agents (potential hazards and precautions)
Medical gases (types and uses)
Aseptic dispensing (clean room design and operation, aseptic technique and its application)
Practical pharmacokinetics (concept, application and calculation)
General pharmacy practice (patient counselling, responding to symptoms, counter prescribing of over-the-counter medications, etc.)
Reference materials for the examination include any relevant textbooks in pharmacy practice together with the official pharmacopoeias.


The examination will consist of mainly short questions to be answered in three hours based on a syllabus which includes the following:
General principles of pharmacology
     Drug receptors and pharmacodynamics
Pharmacokinetics: Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion
     Basic and clinical evaluation of new drugs
Individual variation and drug interaction
Autonomic nervous system
Chemical transmission and the autonomic nervous system
Cholinergic transmission and cholinoceptor-blocking and activating agents
Adrenergic transmission and adrenoceptor-blocking and activating agents
Cardiovascular system
Anithypertensive agents
Vasodilators and the treatment of angina pectoris
Drugs used in congestive heart failure
Agents used in cardiac arrhythmias
Treatment of dyslipidaemias
Diuretics and drugs affecting renal excretion
Central nervous system
Sedatives, hypnotics and anxiolytics
Antiepileptic drugs
General and local anaesthetics
Skeletal muscle relaxants
Pharmacologic management of Parkinsonism and other movement disorders
Antipsychotic agents
Antidepressant agents
Drugs of abuse
Chemotherapeutic agents
Antibacterial agents
Antiviral agents
Antifungal agents
Antiprotozoal and authelmintic agents
Disinfectants and antiseptics
Cancer chemotherapy and immunosuppression
Agents used in the treatment of diseases of the blood
Agents used in anaemias
Drugs used in disorders of coagulation
Arthritis and anti-inflammatory agents
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, non-opioid analgesics, drugs used to treat gout
Endocrine drugs
Hypothalamic and pituitary hormones, sex hormones, contraception
Adrenal corticosteroids, antagonists, corticotrophin
Diabetes mellitus, insulin, oral antidiabetic agents
Thyroid and antithyroid drugs
Agents that affect bone mineral homeostasis
Gastro-intestinal system
     Drugs for peptic ulcers
Antiemetic and prokinetic drugs
Drugs used in constipation, diarrhoea and abnormal gut motility
Drug-induced liver injury and changes in drug handling in liver diseases, treatment of liver diseases
Respiratory tract
Drugs used in the management of asthma
Cough suppressants, antihistamines, mucolytics and expectorants
Transdermal drug absorption and dermal adverse drug reactions
Antipruritics, adrenocortical steroids
Sunscreen and sunburn
Treatment of specific skin disorders
Management of the poisoned patient
Chelators and heavy metal intoxication and other antidotes
Vaccine and immunoglobulins

Sample Examination Papers (For reference ONLY)
(D) 要求覆核考试成绩
考生可要求覆核考试成绩。提交有关要求的截止日期为公布考试成绩後一个月 。管理局收到要求後,会把有关要求转交覆核考试成绩的相关主考人员处理。考生会在管理局收到其覆核要求後约三个星期内,获书面通知覆核结果。考生不会获准查阅答卷。
